


信息来源: 作者:  发布时间:2021-07-03

主题: Introduction to Statistical Network Analysis










摘要:Recent advances in computing and measurement technologies have led to an explosion in the amount of data that are being collected in all areas of application. Much of these data have complex structure, in the form of text, images, video, audio, streaming data, and so on.  This talk focuses on one important class of problems, viz, data with network or graph structure. Such data have become common in diverse engineering and scientific areas, such as biology, computer science, electrical engineering, economics, sociology and so on. Network analysis has also received a lot of attention in computer science, physics, social sciences, biology, and statistics.  The applications are many and varied, including social networks, gene regulatory networks, recommender systems, and so on.  In this talk, I will present an introduction to concepts, methods, and applications of network analysis.  Topics to be covered will include statistical models of networks including random graphs, statistical methods and computer algorithms for the analysis and interpretation of network data.


朱冀教授简介:统计学博士,美国密歇根大学统计系教授,研究领域为统计机器学习与数据挖掘、研究兴趣包括高维数据分析、网络数据分析等,在国际主流学术刊物上共发表60 多篇学术论文,担任包括国际统计学顶尖刊物《Journal of the American Statistical Association》、《Biometrika》在内的多个期刊副主编。
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