


信息来源: 作者:  发布时间:2023-03-17

1. 个人简介


Email: hnynyl@163.com

2. 研究方向


3. 讲授课程



4. 受教育经历




5. 研究工作经历





6. 科研项目

(1) 主持国家自然科学基金天元基金项目,脉冲影响的随机动力系统的动力学性质研究,11526180,结题

(2) 主持云南省基础研究计划-面上项目,复杂脉冲效应下种群系统的稳定性研究,在研

(3) 主持云南省万人计划青年拔尖人才专项项目,脉冲随机微分系统的动力学性质研究,在研

(4) 主持云南省教育厅科学研究基金项目,时标上随机神经网络的周期和概周期解研究,结题

(5) 主持云南省教育厅科学研究基金项目,脉冲随机动力系统的周期和概周期问题研究,结题

(6) 主持云南财经大学科研基金项目,时标上随机动力系统解的存在性及稳定性研究,结题

(7) 主持云南大学研究生科研课题,时标上微分动力系统的解及稳定性研究,结题

(8) 参与国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目,时标上动力方程研究及其应用,结题

(9) 参与云南省哲学社会科学规划项目,云南精准扶贫统计指标体系研究,结题

(10) 参与云南省基础研究计划-青年项目,互联网金融风险的动态预警、防范与控制研究结题

7. 主要论文 (加粗表示本人,*表示通讯作者)

(1) Wanqin Wu, Li Yang*, Impulsive stochastic BAM neural networks on an invariant under a translation time scale [J]. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 2020, 169(1):647-665.

(2) Wanqin Wu, Li Yang*, Yaping Ren, Periodic solutions for stochastic Cohen–Grossberg neural networks with time-varying delays [J]. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 2021, 22(1):13-21.

(3) Li Yang*, Yu Fei, Wanqin Wu, Periodic solution for -stochastic high-order Hopfield neural networks on time scales [J]. Neural Processing Letters, 2019, 49(3):1681-1696.

(4) Tianwei Zhang*, Li Yang, Lijun Xu, Stage-structured control on a class of predator-prey system  in almost periodic environment [J]. International Journal of Control, 2020, 93(6): 1442-1460.

(5) Li Yang*, Zunguang Guo, Dynamics of almost periodic solution for a delayed facultative mutualism model involving negative feedback terms [J]. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 2018, 19(3-4):309-320.

(6) Li Yang*, Zhouhong Li, Liyan Pang, Tianwei Zhang, Almost periodic solution in a Lotka–Volterra recurrent neural networks with time-varying delays [J]. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 2017, 18(1):19-27.

(7) Zhouhong Li*, Li Yang, Almost periodic solutions for a Volterra model with mutual interference and Beddington-DeAngelis functional response [J]. International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, 2017, 7(4):301-315.

(8) Li Yang*, Yu Fei, Almost periodic solution for Nicholson's blowflies models with impulses at variable moments [J]. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2017, 101(7):1419-1436.

(9) Yongkun Li, Li Yang, Bing Li*, Existence and stability of pseudo almost periodic solution for neutral type high-order Hopfield neural networks with delays in leakage terms on time scales [J]. Neural Processing Letters, 2016, 44(3):603-623.

(10) Li Yang, Yonghong Yang, Yaqin Li, Tianwei Zhang*, Almost periodic solution for a Lotka-Volterra recurrent neural networks with harvesting terms on time scales [J]. Engineering Letters, 2016, 24(4):455-460.

(11)  Li Yang, Yongkun Li*, Existence and exponential stability of periodic solution for stochastic Hopfield neural networks on time scales [J]. Neurocomputing, 2015, 167:543-550.

(12) Yongkun Li*, Li Yang, Wanqin Wu, Square-mean almost periodic solution for stochastic Hopfield neural networks with time-varying delays on time scales [J]. Neural Computing & Applications, 2015, 26(5):1073-1084.

(13) Yongkun Li*, Li Yang, Wanqin Wu, Anti-periodic solution for fuzzy Cohen–Grossberg neural networks with time-varying and distributed delays [J]. Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 2015, 20(3):395-416.

(14) Yongkun Li*, Li Yang, Wanqin Wu, Anti-periodic solution for impulsive BAM neural networks with time-varying leakage delays on time scales [J]. Neurocomputing, 2015, 149:536-545.

(15) Yongkun Li*, Li Yang, Almost automorphic solution for neutral type higher-order Hopfield neural networks with delays in leakage terms on time scales [J]. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2014, 242:679-693.

(16) Yongkun Li*, Li Yang, Wanqin Wu, Almost periodic solutions for a class of discrete systems with Allee-effect. Applications of Mathematics, 2014,59 (2):191-203.

(17) Yongkun Li*, Li Yang, Homoclinic solutions for a class of nonlinear second-order differential equations with time-varying delays. Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics,2013, 17 (6).

(18) Yongkun Li*, Li Yang, Wanqin Wu,  Anti-periodic solutions for a class of Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with time-varying delays on time scales. International Journal of Systems Science, 2011,42 (7).

(19) Yongkun Li*, Li Yang, Wanqin Wu,  Periodic solutions for a class of fuzzy BAM neural networks with distributed delays and variable coefficients. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,2010,20(05).

(20) Yongkun Li*, Li Yang, Anti-periodic solutions for Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with bounded and unbounded delays. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat,2009,14:3134-3140.

(21) Yongkun Li*, Li Yang, Wanqin Wu,  Existence and Global Exponential Stability of Equilibrium Point for a Class of Fuzzy BAM Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delays.《生物数学学报》(Journal of Biomathematics), 2010, 25 (1): 13-23.

8. 专著与教材

(1) 专著,几类微分方程模型的定性研究,独立作者,云南科技出版社,2022.08.

(2) 教材,线性代数(第三版),副主编,科学出版社,2022.01.

(3) 教材,数学建模入门教程,参编,科学出版社,2020.07.

(4) 教材,高等数学(第二版),参编,高等教育出版社,2019.08.

9. 教学项目

(1) 主持云南财经大学本科教育教学改革项目,基于学生创新能力培养的混合式探究性教学模式的构建以《微分方程》课程为例,结题

(2) 主持云南财经大学思政示范课程建设项目,微分方程思政示范课程建设项目,在研

(3) 参与云南财经大学教学研究项目,非数学专业高等代数教学有效性设计,结题

(4) 参与云南财经大学教学研究项目,线性代数课程学生自主学习现状研究与分析以云南财经大学为例,结题

10. 获奖情况

(1) 博士毕业论文获评云南省优秀博士论文

(2) 获全国大学生统计建模大赛优秀指导教师奖

(3) 获评云南省数学建模竞赛优秀指导教师

(4) 获首届全国高校大学数学课程教学创新示范交流活动(初赛)暨首届云南省大学数学课程教学创新示范交流活动一等奖

11. 人才培养

(1) 担任硕士生导师,指导硕士研究生3

(2) 指导本科生完成省级大学生创新创业训练计划项目结题2

(3) 指导本科生获2022年(第八届)全国大学生统计建模大赛国家三等奖

(4) 指导本科生获高教社杯全国大学生数学建模竞赛国家奖、省级奖多项,参加美国大学生数学建模获奖多项