


信息来源: 作者:  发布时间:2023-03-17

1. 个人简介


Email: wucixuan@gmail.

2. 研究方向


3. 受教育经历

20069-20107月 云南大学,数学与统计学院,理学学士;

20109-20137月 云南大学,数学与统计学院,理学硕士;

20139-20177月 云南大学,数学与统计学院,理学博士;

4. 研究工作经历

20179----201910 云南财经大学 讲师

201910----至今 云南财经大学 副教授

20198----20201 南方科技大学 学术访问


5. 科研项目





6. 发表论文:

[1] J.M. Pan, C.X. Wu, Y.N. Zhang, 2-Arc-transitive hexavalent Cayley graphs on nonabelian simple groups, Communications in Algebra. (2022) 1–15.

[2] W. Jin, C.X. Wu, J.X. Zhou, Two-distance-primitive graphs, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. (2020) P4.53-P4.53.

[3] C.X. Wu, J.M. Pan, Finite hexavalent edge-primitive graphs, Applied Mathematics and Computation. 378 (2020) 125207.

[4] J.M. Pan, C.X. Wu, F.G. Yin, Vertex-primitive s-arc-transitive digraphs of alternating and symmetric groups, Journal of Algebra. 544 (2020) 75–91.

[5] J. Pan, C. Wu, On edge-primitive graphs of order twice a prime power, Discrete Mathematics. 342 (2019) 111594.

[6] J.M. Pan, Z.H. Huang, C.X. Wu, Edge-Primitive Graphs of Prime Power Order, Graphs and Combinatorics. 35 (2019) 249–259.

[7] J.M. Pan, C.X. Wu, F.G. Yin, Edge-primitive Cayley graphs on abelian groups and dihedral groups, Discrete Mathematics. 341 (2018) 3394–3401.

[8] J.M. Pan, C.X. Wu, F.G. Yin, Finite edge-primitive graphs of prime valency, European Journal of Combinatorics. 73 (2018) 61–71.

[9] B. Ling, B.G. Lou, C.X. Wu, Pentavalent symmetric graphs of order four times an odd square-free integer, Ars Math. Contemp. 16 (2018) 81–95.

[10] C.X. Wu, Highly arc-transitive digraphs with non-isomorphic local actions, J. Algebra Appl. 17 (2018) 1850034.

[11] C.H. Li, B. Ling, C.X. Wu, A new family of quasiprimitive 2-arc-transitive graphs of product action type, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A. 150 (2017) 152–161.

[12] L. Wang, C.H. Li, Y. Liu, C.X. Wu, New Constructions of Self-Complementary Cayley Graphs, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. (2017)