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【10月14日】Rank-One Prior: Real-Time Scene Recovery

发布日期:2023-10-14点击: 发布人:统计与数学学院

报告题目:Rank-One Prior: Real-Time Scene Recovery


时间:2023年10月14日(周六)9:00 a.m.



摘要:Scene recovery is a fundamental imaging task with several practical applications, including video surveillance and autonomous vehicles, etc. In this talk, we provide a new real-time scene recovery framework to restore degraded images under different weather/imaging conditions, such as underwater, sand dust and haze. A degraded image can actually be seen as a superimposition of a clear image with the same color imaging environment (underwater, sand or haze, etc.). Mathematically, we can introduce a rank-one matrix to characterize this phenomenon, i.e., rank-one prior (ROP). Using the prior, a direct method with the complexity O(N) is derived for real-time recovery. For general cases, we develop ROP + to further improve the recovery performance. Comprehensive experiments of the scene recovery illustrate that our method outperforms competitively several state-of-the-art imaging methods in terms of efficiency and robustness.


曾铁勇,博士,教授,香港中文大学数学人工智能中心主任,科技部战略性科技创新合作重点专项首席科学家,2021年香港数学会青年学者奖获得者。于2000年本科毕业于北京大学,2007年巴黎第十三大学获得博士学位。主要研究领域包括数据科学,优化理论,图像处理,反问题等。在优化、图像处理、反问题的国际一流杂志SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, International Journal of Computer Vision, Journal of Scientific Computing,IEEE PAMI,IEEE TNNLS,IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,Pattern Recognition,Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision等发表过百篇SCI论文。