2020-04-07On the 4th April 2020, at 10 am China time, I was honored to be able to join in your National Day of Mourning for three minutes of silence to show my respect, standing in solidarity for your great losses and sacrifices, for those that are on the frontline - the doctors, nurses, health professionals and key-workers. I was praying for the tranquility of hearts, for the healing of those who are ill, for the souls who have departed, for the comfort of those who have lost a loved one and for the assistance and safety of those who are serving society at this time of great need. Your loss is our loss, your sacrifice is our sacrifice. I deeply feel we are like one body: if one part suffers, the whole being feels it, if one part is wounded the whole body responds and assists to heal.
During these troubling times, being so far away from a country I love so much my heartfelt heavy. For me, family is not defined by blood, but by the love one feels with all who cross our path. At this time upon reflecting on now closed borders, is when I realized how much China has become my home. My dream is to return to Kunming and reunite with all of you.
Seldom has it been more evident that society’s collective strength is dependent on the unity it can manifest in action, from grassroots to global level. It will be through the power of unity that mankind will come through these troubling times.
This global crisis has brought the entire human race to come together in peace to do what is best for all peoples of the earth, leading us towards the oneness of humankind. Even through your sufferings, China is showing true unity with the world, by reaching out to help all nations during these challenging difficulties.
I am in admiration with the Chinese people that are lamps in the darkness, joy to the sorrowful and a balm to the suffering.
Rouhieh Tabibzadegan

罗西·塔比扎德甘(Rouhieh Tabibzadegan)