


信息来源:经济学院 发布时间:2017-10-01

刘争,女, 云南财经大学特聘教授。美国肯塔基大学经济学硕士,美国肯塔基大学农业与应用经济学博士,美国国家环保总局(EPA)与美国肯塔基大学重点合作项目博士后。曾就职于美国阿肯色大学农学院研究发展中心。主要研究领域包括环境经济学、农业经济学、能源经济学、健康经济学。作为主要研究成员主持及参与了中国国家自然科学基金委(NSFC)、美国农业部(USDA)、美国国家环保总局(EPA)、世界银行(WBG) 等机构的多个重点项目研究工作。在Growth and Change,Social Science Quarterly, Precision Agriculture等SSCI及SCI索引期刊发表多篇学术论文,是多家国际期刊及CRC Press审稿人。 
1Liu, Zheng, Terry W. Griffin, Terrence L. Kirkpatrick, and Walter Scott Monfort. (2015). “Spatial Econometric Approaches to Developing Site-Specific Nematode Management Strategies in Cotton Production.” Precision Agriculture. Vol.16 (5): 587-600. (SCI)
2Liu, Zheng , Angelos Pagoulatos, Wuyang Hu, and Jack Schieffer. (2014). “Valuing the Benefit of Reducing Adverse Effects from Polluting Heating Fuels.Social Science Quarterly. Vol.95 (3): 868-881. (SSCI)
3Liu, Zheng, Terry Griffin, and Terrence L. Kirkpatrick. (2014). “Statistical and Economic Techniques for Site-specific Nematode Management.” Journal of Nematology. Vol.46 (1): 12–17. (SCI)
4Liu, Zheng, Ron Fleming, Angelos Pagoulatos, and Wuyang Hu. (2010). “The Supply of Private Acreage for Public Recreational Use in Southern and Central Appalachia.” Growth and ChangeVol. 41(4): 540-555. (SSCI)
5Liu, Zheng, Angelos Pagoulatos, and Wuyang Hu. (2011). “Health Risk of Heating Fuel Choice: A Simultaneity Causality Analysis.” International Journal of Humanities and Social ScienceVol.1 (14): 95-104. 
1、中国国家自然科学基金委员会课题: 《西部农村固体燃料炊事和取暖的健康风险及合理转换的价值评估》,2016-2019
2U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)-National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Grants, “Innovative Nematode Management Strategies to Reduce Pesticide Usage While Enhancing Farm Profit and Environmental Quality”, 2010-2015
3U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Targeted Watersheds Grants “Assessment of Market-Based Water Quality Trading System for the Kentucky River Watersheds”, 2009-2011